Optimize Organics Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts).  9.8% magnesium, 13% sulfur. Enhances chlorophyll production, supports fruit and flower development, and improves nutrient absorption. Certified for use in Canadian organic agriculture. Optimize Organics farm and garden supply.
2KG package of Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salts).  9.8% magnesium, 13% sulfur. Enhances chlorophyll production, supports fruit and flower development, and improves nutrient absorption. Certified for use in Canadian organic agriculture. Optimize Organics farm and garden supply.


Regular price $9.00
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Magnesium sulphate is a white crystalline solid that is water-soluble.  


  • Magnesium is vital in chlorophyll production and will keep your plants lush and green
  • Supports fruit & flower development
  • It can assist your plants in absorbing soil nutrients more effectively
  • Typically used on crops such as roses, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, and lemons

Magnesium sulfate is permitted in organic operations if it is used to correct a documented magnesium deficiency. Prior to application, a soil or tissue analysis is recommended


  • FOLIAR FEED: For a quick result, dissolve 5g of Magnesium Sulphate in 1 litre of water and spray over the leaves
  • SOIL DRENCH: Dissolve 0.5g per 1 litre of water. Results in 50ppm Mg. 
  • IN THE GARDEN: Dissolve 10g of Magnesium Sulphate into 1 litre of water and apply at a rate of 1 litre per sq M (10 sq.ft.) of the garden bed.   For severe Magnesium deficiency, apply Magnesium Sulphate monthly
  • FRUIT TREES & SHRUBS: Apply at a rate of 20g per square meter. Spread evenly to the drip line of the tree/shrub. Avoid spreading closer than 10cm to the base of plants. Water in well, washing off any granules that may have lodged on plant foliage.   
  • BROADACRE, ORCHARD, VINEYARD (Foliar): The application rate should be determined based on the results from a tissue analysis, but rates are generally between 3 - 5 lbs per acre dissolved into 75 - 100L water. 


  • Magnesium (Mg): 9.8%  
  • Sulfur (S): 13%

This product complies with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020) For correcting observed, tested or forecasted magnesium deficiencies.