Optimize Organics is a socially conscious enterprise focused on organic agricultural and biological technologies. We have created this marketplace to provide organic growing supplies, products and consulting services, with a mission of making organic cultivation easy and attractive for all demographics.
We have worked diligently to source 100% compostable packaging and 100% recyclable packaging for all our in-house products. We are always actively doing R&D and look forward to sharing with you all that we learn.
If there are products you wish we could carry send us an email and let us know!


Jeremy Korhonen
Co-Founder of Optimize Organics. Jeremy specializes in Biological Pest Control, Organic Horticulture, Living Soil Biology and Agricultural Biotechnology. Jeremy understands both the science behind organically replenishing aerobic organisms in the soil, and the practical management practices to achieve the correct balances of these organisms required by different crop systems.

Amy Powles
Co-Founder of Optimize Organics. Amy is committed to bringing a sustainable vision to the direction of Optimize Organics. Amy is passionate about conscious product development and taking real steps to be responsible for our environmental impact along the way. Amy is an avid researcher and has a depth of knowledge into Organic Horticulture and Permaculture practices.