Optimize Organics SUL-PO-MAG (Langbeinite) Crystals. 22% potassium, 11% magnesium, 22% sulfur. Natural mineral fertilizer provides essential nutrients that plants require to achieve optimum growth. Certified for use in Canadian organic agriculture. Suitable for gardens, container plants, and soil premixing. Optimize Organics farm and garden supply.
 2KG package of SUL-PO-MAG (Langbeinite) Crystals. 22% potassium, 11% magnesium, 22% sulfur. Natural mineral fertilizer provides essential nutrients that plants require to achieve optimum growth. Certified for use in Canadian organic agriculture. Suitable for gardens, container plants, and soil premixing. Optimize Organics farm and garden supply.


Regular price $11.00
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SUL-PO-MAG  +22(K) +11(Mg) +22(S) GRANULAR 

This product provides an abundance of Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur, three essential nutrients that plants require to achieve optimum growth. SUL-PO-MAG (Organic Langbenite) will not change the soil pH.


  • In the garden:  Up to 20kg per 250m2 (44lbs per 2500ft2) Annually
  • Topdressing containers: 5-10ml per 4L (1-2 tsp per gal) of soil, monthly as needed. 
  • Premixing soil: up to 15ml per 4L (1 tbls per gal) of soil. For larger volume soil mixing add up to 1kg (2.2lbs) per cubic yard of soil


  • Soluble Potash (K2O): 22.0%
  • Magnesium (Mg): 11.0% 
  • Sulfur(S) 22%

This product complies with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020)

This product complies with Canadian certified organic crop production standards.