Gypsum is a naturally occurring mineral widely used in agriculture as a soil amendment. Gypsum granules can help improve soil structure, nutrient availability, water retention, and plant growth. Here are some of the key benefits of using gypsum granules for plant and soil health:
- Crop Quality and Flavor: Granulated gypsum is an excellent way to ensure your fruit and flowers develop the sweetest and most vibrant flavours possible. Calcium is an essential nutrient for fruit and flower development, and a deficiency can result in poor-quality produce. By addressing calcium deficiencies, granulated gypsum can enhance your crops' flavour and overall quality.
- Ease Of Distribution: Granulated gypsum is easy to handle and apply, making it a convenient option for large-scale agricultural operations. The uniform size and shape of the granules also ensure even distribution throughout the soil.
- Improved Soil Structure: Gypsum can help improve soil structure by breaking up heavy clay soils, improving drainage, and reducing soil erosion. It does this by binding soil particles together, creating larger soil aggregates that allow for better water and air movement through the soil.
- Enhanced Water Retention: Gypsum can help improve soil's water-holding capacity, reducing the need for irrigation and increasing plant drought tolerance. This is because gypsum granules can absorb and retain moisture, releasing it slowly to plants over time.
- Improved Crop Yield: By improving soil structure, nutrient availability, and water retention, gypsum can help improve crop yield and quality. This is especially true for crops sensitive to soil compaction, such as alfalfa, corn, and wheat.
- Reduced Soil Salinity: Gypsum can help reduce soil salinity by leaching excess salts from the soil. This is important in areas with high soil salinity levels, where salt buildup can negatively impact plant growth and yield.
Using gypsum granules as a soil amendment can benefit plant and soil health, leading to improved crop yield and quality. Before applying this product, we recommend performing a complete soil or plant tissue analysis.
- In the garden: Up to 1-2kg per 10m2 (2.2-4.4lbs per 100ft2). Apply once per year based on the results of soil sampling. Gently mix into top 5cm (2”) of soil.
- Topdressing: 15-30ml (1-2tbsp) per plant or 15ml per 4L (1tbsp per gal) of soil, once yearly or as needed. Gently mix into top 5cm (2”) of soil.
- Premixing soil: 15ml per 4L (1 tbsp per gal) of soil. For larger volume soil mixing, add up to 2kg (4.4lbs) per cubic yard of soil.
- Calcium (Ca): 22%
- Sulfur (S): 14%
- Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (CaSO4 * 2H2O): 82%

This product complies with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020)