Optimize Organics&
2kg Bag of Optimize Organics&
1kg Bag of Optimize Organics&
Photograph of living field of Alfalfa


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Alfalfa meal is a soil amendment derived from the processing of whole alfalfa plants.  This plant's deep roots grow to a depth of 100 feet, reaching untapped minerals and vitamins, bringing them up to the surface, and concentrating them in the plant. Alfalfa Meal provides slow-release nutrition, high protein and amino acid content, as well as growth-promoting hormones that improve plant growth and development. It also enhances soil health by increasing organic matter, improving structure, and promoting microbial activity. As a versatile and effective amendment, alfalfa meal is valuable for promoting healthy plants and soil in organic gardening and farming. 

  • Nitrogen: Alfalfa meal is a rich source of nitrogen, a crucial nutrient for plant growth and development. The nitrogen in alfalfa meal is mainly in the form of proteins and amino acids, which are slow-release and can provide a steady nitrogen source over time. This makes alfalfa meal an excellent choice for plants that require a consistent nitrogen supply throughout the growing season. Additionally, the slow-release nature of the nitrogen in alfalfa meal means that it is less likely to leach out of the soil or cause nitrogen burn, making it a safer and more sustainable fertilizer option. 
  • Protein And Amino Acids: Alfalfa meal is a rich source of protein and amino acids essential for plant growth and development. Protein is important for forming plant cells, tissues, and enzymes, while amino acids are the building blocks of protein.  
  • Growth-Promoting Hormones: Alfalfa meal contains several growth-promoting hormones, including auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellins. These hormones stimulate cell division and elongation, increasing plant growth and development. They can also help improve root development, resulting in better nutrient uptake and water absorption. 
  • Triacontanol: Alfalfa meal also contains Triacontanol, a natural plant growth regulator that can enhance plant growth and development. Triacontanol has been shown to increase photosynthesis and improve nutrient uptake efficiency, leading to increased plant growth and yield. It can also help to improve plant stress tolerance, making them more resistant to environmental stressors like drought, heat, and cold. Triacontanol is a relatively rare compound in nature, but it is found in high concentrations in alfalfa, making alfalfa meal a valuable source of this beneficial plant growth regulator. 
  • Protozoa: Alfalfa meal can contain a variety of microorganisms, including protozoa, which are single-celled organisms that can be beneficial for soil health. Protozoa are essential for breaking down organic matter in the soil and releasing nutrients critical for plant growth. Some types of protozoa, such as ciliates, can also help to control populations of harmful soil bacteria and fungi. When added to the soil, alfalfa meal can provide a food source for protozoa and help to increase their population. This, in turn, can lead to improved soil structure, nutrient availability, and plant growth.  

  • Pest And Disease Resistance: Alfalfa meal contains several compounds that can improve plant immunity and resistance to pests and diseases. For example, saponins in alfalfa can help deter insect feeding, while coumarins can inhibit the growth of fungal pathogens. 


  • In the garden: Up to 375g per 1m2 (10ft2) - Apply up to four times per year
  • Protozoan Infusion: Combine 75ml of kelp meal & 150ml alfalfa meal in a 5 Gal pail with chlorine-free water. Brew with aeration for 48-60hrs until Protozoa are dominant. Observe under a microscope. Then apply 
  • Topdressing: Once per month, 60-120ml (1/4-1/2 cup) per plant, or 15-30ml per 4L (1-2tbsp per gal) of soil. Gently mix into top 5cm (2”) of soil. 
  • Premixing soil: 60-90ml per 4L (1/4-3/8 cup per gal) of soil. For larger volume soil mixing, add up to 10kg (22lbs) per cubic yard of soil


  • Total Nitrogen (N): 3.0%
  • Water Insoluble Nitrogen: 3.0%
  • Water Soluble Nitrogen: 0.0%
  • Soluble Potash (K2O): 2.0%
  • Calcium (Ca): 1.5%
  • Magnesium (Mg): 0.2%

This product complies with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020)

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