Our Frass blend contains macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and micronutrients like calcium, magnesium, sulphur, and iron. These nutrients are essential for healthy plant growth and development and can help increase yields, improve fruit and flower quality, and enhance plant resilience to environmental stresses like drought, heat, and disease.
In addition to nutrients, this blend contains beneficial microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and protozoa that help to break down organic matter in the soil and release nutrients that are otherwise unavailable to plants. These microorganisms also help to suppress soil-borne diseases, improve soil structure and water-holding capacity, and enhance nutrient cycling and soil fertility over time.
Furthermore, the chitin in the blend helps to stimulate the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms like chitinolytic bacteria and fungi that can break down chitin into plant-available forms of nitrogen and carbon. Chitin also acts as a natural biopesticide, helping to control soil pests and diseases like nematodes, root rot, and fungal pathogens.
Overall, this 3-part blend of cricket, black soldier fly, and mealworm frass can provide a comprehensive suite of benefits for both plants and soil, including improved nutrient availability, enhanced soil structure and fertility, increased plant growth and yield, and natural pest and disease control.
Insects are fed traceable recycled food waste, such as vegetables, fruit, and grains, that would otherwise go to landfills.
- Gently mix into top 5cm (2”) of soil
- In the garden: Up to 400g per 1m2 (10ft2) - Apply 3-4 times per year
- Topdressing: 10-15ml (2-3tsp) per plant, or 5-10ml per 4L (1-2tsp per gal) of soil, once per month
- Premixing soil: 45ml per 4L (3 tbsp per gal) of soil. For larger volume soil mixing, add up to 3.5kg (7.7lbs) per cubic yard of soil
- Foliar Spray: Mix 10-15ml (2-3tsp) per 4 Litres (1Gal) of water, let stand, then strain well, and apply with a sprayer - Apply once per month as required
- Total Nitrogen (N): 3.1%
- Water Insoluble Nitrogen: 2.5%
- Water Soluble Nitrogen: 0.5%
- Available Phosphate (P₂O₅) 3.0%
- Soluble Potash (K2O): 2.2%

This product complies with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2021 CAN/CGSB-32.311-2020)